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Northwestern Peru

In partnership with Compassion International, we have been blessed to work with a local pastor and his congregation in one of the poorest communities in northwestern Peru. This was our fourth trip to this small town just outside of the city of Piura. Please pray as we make plans to bring much-needed theological training to the dozens of pastors who serve in villages like Pozo de los Ramos.

Southern India

Just prior to the worldwide Covid shutdown we visited the work of an Indian missionary medical doctor in the city of Nellore. Through the work of the Center for Global Ministries, he shares the love of Christ in dozens of small rural villages. In late February 2020, we were privileged to conduct a pastor’s conference to the dozens of leaders who serve the churches of these villages. We are planning to offer ongoing training/educational opportunities to these leaders.

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The Middle East

E2 is committed to Equipping and Encouraging church leaders in the Middle East. The door is wide open to impact this strategic part of the world. For example, in one Middle Eastern country with a population of more than 10 million people, only 3% are professing Christians. Despite the challenges, church leaders are seeing many people come to faith in Christ. Hundreds of thousands of Christians fleeing persecution in countries like Iraq and Syria have sought refuge in neighboring countries like Jordan. Nearly 1 out of every 10 people in Jordan is a refugee from Syria or Iraq. The refuge crisis has opened doors for many to hear the good news for the first time. These new Believers need churches committed to the proclamation of the Word of God. The E2 Initiative exists to train the pastors who will lead these churches.


Mark was privileged to travel to Romania early in 2022. He preached in 5 churches, met with key ministry leaders, taught Preaching at Emanuel Seminary in Oradea, and led a two-day pastor training retreat for more than 30 pastors and church leaders. After his initial visit, E2 made a three-year commitment (beginning in Spring 2023) to return to Romania and provide much-needed training to pastors in and around the Southern Romanian city of Petrosani. Among the courses we will be teaching are biblical interpretation, expository preaching, pastoral leadership, and theology.

Boston, Massachusetts

The E2 Initiative invests in pastors and ministry leaders all over the world, including our own country and cities like Boston. Mark is privileged to equip students at Boston Baptist College. Led by President Dave Melton, Boston Baptist is the only institution in Boston that is dedicated to biblical education. In a city filled with some of the world’s finest universities (Harvard and MIT), Boston Baptist is alone in its unapologetic commitment to educating students with a biblical worldview. Less than 2% of Bostonians consider themselves as evangelical. In a place where Christianity first came to the United States, today there is a pervasive spiritual darkness. Few Bible preaching, gospel-centered churches dot the landscape in and around Boston. E2 is blessed to invest in young ministry leaders who are impacting the world with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.


Working alongside our Romanian friends, Dr. Elijah Soritau (VP of Emanuel University and Seminary in Oradea) and Vasile Pop (President of Pro Ukrainia Ministry), E2 has made 2 trips to Ukraine to encourage pastors, visit churches, meet with refugees, and provide ministry training. While millions have fled Ukraine, many refugees have relocated from Eastern and Southern Ukraine to the western part of the country. As a result, Western Ukrainian churches are fulfilling the Great Commission and feeding, housing, and sharing the love of Jesus with thousands of these refugees. Despite the war, Ukrainian churches are pressing on. We were blessed to come alongside Dr. Soritau and Vasile Pop who remain on the front lines of assisting these people and churches to fulfill their calling. In 2023 Mark will be making two additional trips to Ukraine to provide pastoral training.

Papua, Indonesia

We are privileged to come alongside the ministry of World Hope International to teach expository preaching to the pastors and church leaders of Papua. Working with our friend, Dr. Ronny Serworwora, Executive Director of the Baptist Publishing House in Bandung, E2 is committed to a long-term partnership in Indonesia.

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